Vietnam - Belarus: Strengthening science – technique cooperation

Friday, 02/12/2011 10:24 GMT+7
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On November 30, 2011, in Hanoi the 7th preliminary session of Vietnam - Belarus Committee of Science and Technique Cooperation took place. Attending the session were Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Dinh Tien; Mr. Mai Ha, Director of...

Representative of Vietnam and Belarus signed the Minute of the Session

In the session, representatives of the two parties discussed and shared information relating to State polices on science – techniques, Vietnam’s use and development of science during the current period, at the same time reviewed the current status of S&T cooperation development for the period from 2008 to 2011, discussed on measures to strengthen cooperation between Vietnam and Belarus for the coming time.

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Dinh Tien briefed Vietnam’s social and economic achievements over the past time and its S&T activities in recent years. The Deputy Minister said that Vietnam has worked out S&T development plan by 2011 and orientations by 2020 in a relatively specific manner. Accordingly, Vietnam’s set objectives are that for the period from 2011 to 2020 number of patents registered for protection will be increased 1.5 times higher than that of the period from 2006 to 2010; 4,000 national standards will be developed, in which 45% will be harmonized with the international standards; 3,000 S&T enterprises will be developed, in which the numbers of S&T enterprises established by universities and research institutes will account for 70%; the volume of successful transactions in S&T market will be increased on the average of 15- 17%;…

In order to achieve these objectives, Vietnam would continue to renovate basically, comprehensively and systematically S&T management mechanisms, prioritize to pilot some S&T products which are national products and high-technology products; identify and implement basic research tasks, scientific research and technology development in fields of national defense, environmental protection and sustainable development; ensure resources to implement national programs on S&T; mobilize social resources to improve national S&T potentials, develop S&T enterprises and S&T market;… The Deputy Minister hoped that the two countries would continue to promote S&T cooperation in order to achieve more impressive results for the coming time.

Mr. Voitov I.V., the Chairman of Belarus’ Science – Technology Committee expressed his thanks to MOST for inviting the delegation to attend the 7th session of Vietnam – Belarus Committee of Science – Technique Cooperation. At the same time he highly appreciated results and implementation progress of cooperation projects and impressive results of the two countries in all cooperation fields, including science – technique and innovation.

Since the 6th session until now, science agencies of the two countries have actively implemented resolutions of the 6th session of Vietnam – Belarus Committee of Science – Technique Cooperation. Fields which have been prioritized to focus in S&T Cooperation between the two countries include micro-electronics, information technology, automobile and diesel engine, new materials, oil exploitation and processing, biology technology, medicines. The two parties have completed 11 projects on S&T and results of these projects are able to be highly applied in practice.

The Chairman of Belarus’ Science – Technology Committee also expressed his desire to extent cooperation with Vietnam in some prioritized fields.

The two parties have approved the cooperation program on science – technique and innovation for the period from 2012 - 2013 and by the year 2015; the establishment of S&T Cooperation Centers; exchanged about measures to support S&T cooperation projects and new investment projects; and discussed about time, location to organize the 8th session of the Committee.

When the session concluded, the representative of Vietnam and Belarus signed the minutes of the session, agreed on the plan and measures of cooperation and development between the two countries for the coming time.

Cooperation agreements signed by Vietnam and Belarus:

- In 1995, the Government of the two countries signed the Agreement on science and technique cooperation. After that some cooperation agreements were signed on fields of standardization, measurement and conformity assessment;

- In 2008, the Cooperation Agreement was signed between Vietnam Agency for S&T and BelarusNational Science Academy;

- The Agreement on supporting basic research themes was signed between Vietnam Agency for S&T and Belarus’ Basic Research Fund;

- In 2009, at International Exhibition “Vietnam Expo 2009” the two parties signed 8 agreements and protocols on S&T cooperation ;

- In 2010, the Cooperation Minute between two High Technology Parks of the two countries was signed.

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